The Animator

For @TheTopperG by Jle3v

  • Views: 107
  • Created: 1yr ago
  • Last updated: 1yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "For @TheTopperG" by DogDay

1yr ago

Bro wtf

I dont know if that is smoke or clouds...

what is it?

1yr ago

bro, why?


i believe it is smoke

@cinderstringsxx said:

i believe it is smoke

I swear to gosh this dumb ratish idiotic dog person has no heart

Why not you draw your dad now huh?

(Btw im not talking to u im talking to the idiot who made this drawing)

I think ik why u show no heart towards the event

Its bc due to your furry addiction your brain releases a toxin gas called 'Furamorphogenic Neurogas' which is to manage this intensive furry thing so your brain doesnt explode. What the Furamorphogenic Neurogas does is it cools down your brain a little. But this gas is actually rlly bad for your brain as it freezes your braincells. If this gas keeps getting released from your brain all your braincells will freeze. Then the brain triggers bc it has no braincells causing it to do smth called Neurogenesis Hematocerebrum.

"Neurogenesis Hematocerebrum" refers to the process by which the brain, lacking brain cells, initiates the production of new neural cells utilizing components found in the bloodstream. This is very bad for your brain. Then a little alert goes over to your vagus nerve to your heart. Your brain is sending messages to the heart saying that it took some blood from the heart which makes the heart pump more blood. It does this during the process of the brain making more cells using the blood. Then the heart makes its own nerve to the brain which makes the vague nerve just dissapear. This gives the heart new personalitities which why u show no sympathy towards the twin towers

So all this bc of ur addiction

I ain't reading allat


Womp Womp

@averagekid said:

I ain't reading allat

then dont, lazy kid

No need to tell me.

I ment r u gonna comment 'breathe' everytime you breathe?

1yr ago

mean *are *you


I ain't reading allat

1yr ago

I give this a 9/11

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