The Animator

pretty day outside by Jle3v

  • Views: 82
  • Created: 1yr ago
  • Last updated: 1yr ago
  • Version: 3
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s

Comments on "pretty day outside" by DogDay

I reported this, you know how many people died? and you had the courage to draw this? Your bringing up events that could literally happen any second, people can predict a plane attack more then people who can predict an earthquake!

You are a heartless soul, you have no sympathy towards the 2000 people who had to die in a tragic way! DELETE THIS RIGHT NOW AND APOLOGIZE! IF I SEE THIS DRAWING OUTSIDE MY HOUSE ILL CALL THE COPS! You know how sad this is? You offended the entire USA, families and friends died, and your here drawing it? YOu even drew the plane crashing towards it. Atleast pay your condolence by drawing only 2 towers! My grandmother still cries upto this day because of the event and yet non of her friends or family members were involved in it, she felt bad for everyone! Take back everything and apologize to me and everyone whos family members died!

Even me, the guy who made fun of hundreds of people here, has a heart for new york! I dont even live there, yet I feel super bad for everyone! Your here laughing at everyone by drawing smth terrible, take back this drwing, delete it, and apologize, or else we will have serious problems...

no wonder you live with your grandmother. Your dad and mom probally died from it, but I gotta appreciete the fact that they took airplane classes, so whos the better pilot, your mother or your father?

Oh wait, non of them were good pilots, they literally crashed into two different towers!

I am being mean to you because you offended me!





look at this stupid creatures drawing! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED! I WOULD BEAT YOU UP IF I SEE YOU IN THE STREETS!

Imagine, there was a little kid inside the tower, he had potentiel to turn america into a great place, but now that the planes crashed into the towers, the kid died and couldnt show his plans!

now look at america!

1yr ago

This was a remembrance and a tribute to all the people who died. if you aren't mature enough to handle it then leave.

1yr ago

"no wonder you live with your grandmother. Your dad and mom probally died from it, but I gotta appreciete the fact that they took airplane classes, so whos the better pilot, your mother or your father?

Oh wait, non of them were good pilots, they literally crashed into two different towers!" - @TheTopperG

Hypocrite, saying all this stuff about the people and then you pull this-

Edited by @Jle3v

You idiot, why did u draw the airplane crashed into the TOWER!

Ur so dumb, all u know is how to draw furries

rip 7/11

@averagekid said:

rip 7/11

shut the hell up, your whole life depends on 7/11,

dont make fun of that event. Do you support those terrorists who risked there lives just to kill others. This isnt a good sacrifice rather a bad sacrifice. Take that back rn or the papers could BURN!


i take it back


the beef is wild here

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