GET A HAIRCUT (also can see how bad it is lmao?-) by 
- Views: 129
- Created: 1yr ago
- Last updated: 1yr ago
- Version: 1
- Length: 4 frames, 0.8s
Comments on "GET A HAIRCUT (also can see how bad it is lmao?-)" by DogDay

I had to be a *bit* creative with the lower half since burnin never draw the bottom part of their character (as far as I've seen)
3 older comments

Also, what is riza holding? Is that a tazer?

NAUR- it's the uhh cutting hair thing.

here we go with this oc thing again, if someone told me how I imagined how this burning dead cat looks like then this is what I would say:
a pale boy who wears glasses with brown hair who has to use an inhaler, has a bunch of posters of stickmans and bruce lee in there room, wears a black shirt that probally says "keep calm and be cool" and goes to a public school with strict orders and attentds to class

and also btw i thought u guys loved animals, not hate them, why th is ur name burning cat? now i yell at children, sure thats bad but telling children to abuse animals is worse,

and ik ur gonna go all like "Even topg knows he is doing smth bad."
Yes i do know that, that is bc i yell when i get frustrated, and when i get frustrated that means u guys r doing smth bad


Ok, you're honestly making a lot of rash jugdements, and also, "Burnincat" was just a weird name I thought up. Like, "ThetopperG" when I hear that, I think someone kind and useful, not a overweight 40 year old man who tells children to get jobs underaged.
just cause my name is topg doesnt mean I am andrew tate, if your name is "NaziBoi" I wouldnt picture you as 'him', i would picture u as just some weird random kid, I am a normal kid who would go to collage next year

this guy do know the guy on his profile pic is a I cant say on this site and participates in human traficking
What, blud cant say andrew tate cause he thinks his gonna get banned
I said I cant say because what I couldn't say is someone who forces you onto them in a sexually way forcefully without consent ( Dan if you ban me at least ban TheTopperG)

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