The Animator

"You good?", "No." 2 part by RomaKoltyshev2008

  • Views: 101
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 7
  • Length: 14 frames, 3.3s

Comments on ""You good?", "No." 2 part" by RomanKoltyshev20081705

The black stickman said to the green stickman:

- No.

Because someone hit his head.

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008

But I tried to help again @MagicDragon7777.

2yr ago

Hope hes ok

2yr ago

Also can you help me make a series?

2yr ago

Since your really good with that stuff


And I will help you animate and it will be ready. And then I write the credits for the film we worked on: Animation directors: you, me and @MagicDragon7777, and Composer: Kevin Macleod

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008

Don't worry @Kazixai. I will definitely help you animate about Stick Warriors.


wait... when did i tell you could collab?

Not to cooperate, but to animate, @MagicDragon7777. First, you came up with and animated the title of the movie "Stick Wars". And secondly, I will definitely help you animate.

You'll see. If I watched what you animated, then I understood everything. I'm going to help.

But now I have pictured this video.

@RomaKoltyshev2008 said:

I'm going to help.

I never asked you to help

Come on, dude. All people help to animate from the studio. So you and I worked on the film: Animators, You, Me and @Kazixai.

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008


But you dont have my permission.

And if I made you 2 videos ""You feel good", "No."", then you have already watched. But explain how one person animates a film without helping people?

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