The Animator

Mitya panic by RomaKoltyshev2008

  • Views: 69
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 12
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 1 3

Comments on "Mitya panic" by RomanKoltyshev20081705

The bully pushed Katya, Katya had a falling cry and fell to the ground and became blood. And Mitya screams in panic:

- KATIA!!!!!

But Kate doesn't answer. Mitya cries and sobs because Katya fell to the ground.

Mitya woke up in a panic in the morning, calmed down on her own, and Katya asked Mitya:

- What happened? Why did you scare me?

And Mitya answers Katya:

- I had a nightmare, a bully pushed you and you fell high on the ground.

Katya will calm Mitya and says:

- This is just a dream, Mitya, calm down and don't think about this dream anymore.

Mitya no longer thinks about this dream.

I thought that Mitya was panicking, and Katya was dead.


A terrible and terrible film is not funny, but scary.


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