So um, I have breaking news by
- Views: 102
- Created: 2yr ago
- Last updated: 2yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "So um, I have breaking news" by TheOneAndOnlyCookieTheRookie
1. Remember my old OC that was like a two-consciousnesses-in-one body thing? Yeah, I returned to that OC, it’s my main again. BUT I remade it a few months ago and now it’s like a half demon half angel kind of thing. And I’m kinda proud of it?
2. My artstyle got better, and I’m still working on it, but it definitely has gotten better.
3. I know it’s late for me to say this but, this year, which is my last middle school year (I’m in 8th now), I have all advanced classes (except physical science), and my math class is actually Algebra 1 Honors, which I heard that it affects how you do in high school or smth? Idrk. Could someone tell me what the “Honors” part affects? But it’s honestly surprising that I did well enough to get into advanced classes.
In the third one why I said it was late for me to say it, is because I’m pretty much almost 3 months into the school year
the label "honors" is just there to say that the material will be taught at a quicker pace. it doesn't really affect how you do in high school, since all classes do that, but i guess it can help with getting in the habit of understanding the material at a rapid rate, and also getting into more advanced classes sooner. again, don't worry about it too much!
hi cokie
but not half demon half angel, its more like -
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