The Animator

yay by CookieTheRookie

  • Views: 63
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 2 2

Comments on "yay" by IdiotCookie

3yr ago


3yr ago

ah lucky, in Washington it goes until the 20th

so 6 full school days and 1/3 of a Monday to reach the required 180 days

and no late start on Wednesday because screw sleep I guess



wha- (if I read that wrong somehow bc I'm blind pls kil me hdjfbjgbfgkrgjkt)

In the Eastern side we have 5 full school days.

(I said Eastern side bc idk how it is for the rest of the world.)

3yr ago

All the extra days are because of snow days, the district where I am requires 180 days so they had to add more at the end

3yr ago

also the way I phrased it was a bit confusing, I have 5 day weeks like you but at the time I said that I had Friday + the week after which equals 6 days


2yr ago

Same- But last year they made us get out later than we were supposed to, and gave us two months instead of three PLUS they took of 2 weeks as well on august so we started on the eight and not on the twentieth. But they gave us more holidays like Super bowl Monday and an extra day on laber day and sixteen days than fourteen on christmas and a bunch of other holidays we never used to have. And we still get out late this year again >:(

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