The Animator

See y'all in a month! (No devices during summer) by Scratcher

  • Views: 46
  • Created: 1mo ago
  • Last updated: 1mo ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
 1 3 1

Comments on "See y'all in a month! (No devices during summer)" by Manga_Inspired

1mo ago

My Chromebook is going to taken for summer break. Our summer break is only 1 month ;-; so bye!

1mo ago


Have fun! Bye!


1 month. is your life school or is it school you need to escape the matrix


u should beg your parents

I have 2 mnths

1mo ago

@so_cool_man said:

I have 2 months


Edited by @Inactive

i get 9 months

minus 6

1mo ago

i get 3 months! also byeeee! ;C

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