The Animator

Yall play dungeon quest? And what lvl r u. by magicboyyssp

  • Views: 32
  • Created: 7mo ago
  • Last updated: 7mo ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "Yall play dungeon quest? And what lvl r u." by Manga_Inspired

I traded Galactic pike for the Galactic Dual Blades.

My Galactic pike was rare because the reverse pot was 3.75 which is 3,750,000 spell power. and the Galactic pike I have what's a little bit above..... Soooo. At least my Galactic Dual Blades are 4. or such as 4,000,000 spell power. I have no clue if you understand this.

I've been lvl like 130-140 or somthin for years I'm a veteran I pop on now and then but my friends left and the good time ended so I never really got any farther. lol its been like 5 or more years and it still says that the gampasses have discounts



I was 126 for so long since years ago


funny thing is it took me 5 hours to get to lvl 80 on on of my alts and 4 to get to 70 on another


the game was actually actually fun around these times


I don't use alts


its fun to replay the game u should try it sometime

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