The Animator

Robo_alex6745 by MagicDragon7777

  • Views: 108
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "Robo_alex6745" by magicbois_again


and also why am i like always in a dark color?


Because it looks realistic

what do you mean by that?

2yr ago

@MagicDragon7777 said:

Because it looks realistic


(Accidentally makes it awkward)


because all robots aren't new and your account is almost 3 yrs old. My old account is 3 yrs old @robo_alex6745

so ageing is the reason im a diffrent color


or possibly the black shadow or venom think just around your body until you release it .__.

if im ageing it will be brown spots because of rust

you wanna play the game we played yesterday?


im playing with maple

oh he left

Ok so taming

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