The Animator

SCP 2892 The Visor by MagicDragon7777

  • Views: 55
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s

Comments on "SCP 2892 The Visor" by magicbois_again

SCP 2892 The Visor

---The visor is a pair of some goggles that seems it looks like cyclops's visor but its more deep.

The visor is forbidden from wearing but most people think it looks cool so they wear it after they wear it the visor takes control of the user and puts them in a psychopath state trying to unalive everybody in sight.

Some times when the user is about to die the visor will just start playing with the body. Even doe the user is dead the visor is controlling the user like a puppet.---

Note-- Please when you see this object make sure you call the SCP foundation.

Edited by @MagicDragon7777


Hmm, so it is like 035?


yeah but it looks cool and your attracted to it


Interesting. 035 uses seduction and psychological manipulation to get wearers, but this one has the anomalous ability to attract wearers.


Oh this doesn't make a chemical or something. Its mainly targeted to teens,adults.


Makes the wearers last longer. Ingenious.

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