The Animator

Fluffles has a new outfit design… *teaser* by Inactive

  • Views: 37
  • Created: 2mo ago
  • Last updated: 2mo ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 6 frames, 2.4s
 4 3

Comments on "Fluffles has a new outfit design… *teaser*" by sussy1234

2mo ago

for the ones that are sick of the purple and red… a redesign is coming soon.

2mo ago

frame 1 - possible hair design

frame 2 - possible shoes design

frame 3 - possible torso/right sleeve design

frame 4 - possible left sleeve/hand design

frame 5 - possible pants design

2mo ago

I is wantknow wat hidden comet is say

1mo ago

is it a cat girl????

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