The Animator

yall tell me what i need to improve? by poopoosmelly

  • Views: 80
  • Created: 8mo ago
  • Last updated: 8mo ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
 1 1 6 5

Comments on "yall tell me what i need to improve?" by TedTheBONEHEAD

ew the more i look at this, the more disgusting it looks

i love it

w posture

more bulging forehead and nose needs to go out more

8mo ago

Ur art style is very different but in a good way

Just work on colours i guess

I need to do that too 😭😶

8mo ago

The hair maybe, like we can see it on our side but I feel like you could put some sort of hair on the other side, the nose could also be improved a bit like making it a bit more out

(these are my opinions so you can take it or leave it I'm also not a professional >m<)

8mo ago

maybe more detail on the hair? like... hair shapes? unless that's part of the style.

yw besti

8mo ago


@poopoosmelly said:

Thank you all so much!!

also guys if you’d like to post any animations here that have this style, i would appreciate it so so so so much! ty again!!!

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