The Animator

Me vs TRAngA Part1 by cameronmaher

  • Views: 111
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 50 frames, 5s

Comments on "Me vs TRAngA Part1" by cameronmaher

By the why Im the op leader and TRAngA is the oc leader

4yr ago

Oooh Im half red, I didnt know I could do that!

4yr ago

Cameron, THEminecraftPixel wants to join op squad

I know u turned into your half god mode

And yes I know he joined already and thinks your the leader of the op squad and not the oc squad

4yr ago

ooh cool im half god thats epic!

I know right!:)

4yr ago

So wait, god mode is like red version?

ya mines Purple and yours is red but if you want me to change the color of your god mode for you I can :)

4yr ago

so im part of the OP squad and tranga part of the OC squad

uuu no U have to pick one because next week were doing a squad battle

hey cameron can you battle me?


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