The Animator

Me Vs TRAng Part1 trailer by cameronmaher

  • Views: 104
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 20 frames, 2s

Comments on "Me Vs TRAng Part1 trailer " by cameronmaher

The video is going to be animated tomorrow p.s TRAnga I have nothing against u my fans just wanna see this

New "The Ace" episode tommorow :)

4yr ago

Thats nashunbarnett, not me.

il change it

thats me

sorry I got both of y'all mixed up

4yr ago

btw im in oc squad and op squad lul

Ok I guess

But u have to be in one because when I make my animation my squad vs the Oc squad u have to chose one squad

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