The Animator

The Maya Show Ep. 5 Q n' A!!! by BobAnimations

  • Views: 102
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 6 frames, 15s
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Comments on "The Maya Show Ep. 5 Q n' A!!!" by BobAnimations

does maya like flowers?

i really wanna know because she reminds me of them

and what food does bob not like but will eat

like i hate seafood but ill eat salmon s o m e t i m e s

Maya: DO I? Oh, I love them so much! I never found any of them to smell good though. I love cosmos! And thanks!

i like cosmos too :D theyre so pretty i wanna buy fake one so i can put them around my mirror on my wall so far i have a real plant qwq

Bob: Black. Beans. They are so good! But it's like eating a small and weird-shaped version of my own face!

LOL i barely eat black bean i like black eyed peas tho

heres what my stuff looks like for maya

i need to clean it uppppp

3yr ago


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