The Animator

The Maya Show! Ep. 3: Go @yonatan !!!! by BobAnimations

  • Views: 126
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 11 frames, 11s
 2 5 3

Comments on "The Maya Show! Ep. 3: Go @yonatan !!!!" by BobAnimations

You can always request a theme in the form of a comment in the latest episode. I'll try my best to make one every night or week at least. You can also request to ask a question for Maya to answer. It has to be about herself. Like "What's your favorite food?" or "How's it like to be on a talk show?". Also- you don't have to read what's in the red circle, but I recommend it. It's just me commenting on the show. I will copy this explanation and paste it on every new episode.

Any questions?

17 older comments  

3yr ago

wait is it ok for adding oc for refrence is that ok?

3yr ago

among uss ez next

Wait- so you ARE gonna use Maya?

3yr ago

ok nor refrence

Please just don't use any of my OC's

3yr ago

i will just imagine what u will lok like


3yr ago

and some other people

3yr ago

i just need gender


3yr ago

idk what is some people gender

All I'm saying is don't use my characters, please.

End of conversation.

3yr ago

because if i draw u a male or female u will be uh TRIIGGORD

Wait- please explain what your saying I might be starting to understand, I'm sorry

3yr ago

Hes saying hes going to draw what he thinks you look like and is asking your gender

Ooooh thanks

Look at my latest post and here's a ref:

Posted animation unavailable

Or maybe this:

Posted animation unavailable

You choose

3yr ago


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