The Animator

TRAngA anime Opening by TRAngA

  • Views: 134
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 104 frames, 20.7s
 4 9 8

Comments on "TRAngA anime Opening" by TRAngA

that's so cool

4yr ago

my oc does not fit it at all 😂

4yr ago

tranga youve done 750 animations you have no life do you ever go out side i mean what 750 who else has that nobody your a real og bruh bruh bruh wow good job

how do i join the oc squad?

4yr ago

Oh you don't have to ask, just make an oc, and then show me!

i already made one oc

so i am of the oc squad?

if u dont kuow were to fine it, here it is

my ocs by LuigiGaming

i say go at it meh anime boi because even would take weeks for all 8 anime lords together and make a big anime to even make a few eps so just go at it

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