The Animator

Lights out TRAngA Edition by TRAngA

  • Views: 99
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 61 frames, 9.7s
 1 1 5 4

Comments on "Lights out TRAngA Edition" by TRAngA

4yr ago

Check out camerons video, the original Lights out... by cameronmaher

thank u yours looks so much better

4yr ago

wow thanks! but I prefer yours alot more, it has coloring and everything!


im making a Theme opening for The Ace season 2

and also the Theme opening is going to be very detailed and that's why its taking me so long to make this animation

i made one tho


cool were doing a thing were everybody making their own versions of lights outs

lol,i have been tinking:

then cameronmaher and TRAngA will be a team

cool :)

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