scp 73304 The bendy k̶̦̱͎̽̽n̴̯͌͝ĩ̶̧̡̬̗̉ͅf̷̜͖̫̭͌͆e by
- Views: 58
- Created: 2yr ago
- Last updated: 2yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
2 1
Comments on "scp 73304 The bendy k̶̦̱͎̽̽n̴̯͌͝ĩ̶̧̡̬̗̉ͅf̷̜͖̫̭͌͆e" by bananameat
2yr ago
Miss Megan Brown was investigating a nurse's death one day as she had been stabbed by a knife. she had entered the hospital and needed to do a number 1 and after she got out she found her bag in shreds. suspicious now she got up to investigate. What she had found was a knife which she picked up and carried on the knife started to bend and bend until it stabbed her in the palm
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