scp 8895 the risen demon by
- Views: 90
- Created: 2yr ago
- Last updated: 2yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
Comments on "scp 8895 the risen demon" by bananameat
2yr ago
{scp 8895}
class: Keter
this scp is to be contained in a massive containment full of dim lights as it would end up breaking everything in a bright room another anomalous ability is being able to rise on non-existent platforms
it tends to claw its victims it can also cause X.K scenarios if in a really bright room as it either crompresses or expands it leading the earth squishing into nothing or expand the earth into the strasphere most likely ending up in a black hole
2yr ago
I thought i was the only one giving a description...
2yr ago
nuh uh
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