Community Thread
TRAngA's alt accounts
since this website is gonna make you unable to create animations without email verificiation, and I forgot my alts emails... Imma just tell you them, first its me goku.
SansXTRAngA wich was made to make fun of SansXme
Also redbeard, I kept this one secret for a while, and even used it to join the op squad in the animator war!




I actually kept the redbeard account secret for 2 years, which is more than half my time on the website.

wait you were redbeard-?
I'm going to bury myself in my own grave now-

yep, whats so hard to believe about that?

Well, damn, didn't know I had the power to make everyone dissapear when I type.

I knew u were Redbeard! but i actually didn't tell anyone because i didn't wanna spoil the secret.. but i was actually planning to lol

lol, I wasn't really too keen on telling anyone, because I thought people might get angry because I joined the op squad as him, but people are taking it suprisingly well, except for sharkblade who buried herself... o-o
pretty obvious that u where redbeard... you have the exact same art style.

I thought I kept it hidden pretty well :(
I’m going to hide myself to avoid this conversation.
new one, amongus, alot of people have already found out o-o
It was a little to easy.
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