The Animator

Community Thread

How do you create separate versions of the same anim?

4mo ago

How do you have an animation, then copy that animation to a different one? like have two versions of the same thing. I've seen people have multiple versions like an uncoloured version and coloured version, but they're separate animations. How do you do that?

4mo ago


uuuuuuuuuh i think its a glitch.. never done it before, and theres no explicit option to do so!

4mo ago


oh no worries then. Thanks anyway

4mo ago


no problem!

4mo ago

Keep an animation or drawing in editor

Post that in one account then swap accounts go back to editor and the drawing should be there

Change something slightly and you should be able to post basically the same thing twice on diff accounts

4mo ago


Oh my god thank you so much. It’s just I’m making a comic and want a cool title card 😅

4mo ago


Ofc anytime bro

Looking forward to seeing it

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