The Animator

Community Thread

One more thing

5mo ago

I want to do 1 last short horror story challenge. Show me what you got.

5mo ago

"finally, im alone!" i said in my room

"no" said scary knife guy in my closet

"hmm finally i ams alones in my rooms"

as i tuks into beds.

"pssst you ar not the alones in your rooms"

says the spoopy circle man.


i yells


the spoops mans says one more times


says freddys fazballs bursting into my rooms

"what is thy purpous of ones arival at my location?"

im says


takls mr frankie fronkle berry

the circle mans and froodle begin to kiss as i falls asleep in my beds...🥴

Edited by @SandwichMan

5mo ago

As I tuck in my son for bed, he asked me to check to see if there was anything under the bed. To comfort him, I bend down to check. Then I see my son hiding down there, saying, "There's someone in my bed"

5mo ago

@Level161 said:

As I tuck in my son for bed, he asked me to check to see if there was anything under the bed. To comfort him, I bend down to check. Then I see my son hiding down there, saying, "There's someone in my bed"

at that point just leave the room and let the two sons fight it out

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