Community Thread
1300 VR in a 10000+ VR room is crazy
6mo ago
6mo ago
Plus I don't have dlc so I don't know those tracks
I've never played on most of em
I should probably get the dlc tho
And I couldn't end getting 12th place so I kept one more racing ☠️
I'm good on the original courses I swear 😭
6mo ago
Hey at least I got 9th the last race
6mo ago
But it was fun 6/10 will do again
6mo ago
I have the DLC and I still suck at most of the new courses
and yeah it was fun lol
6mo ago
Damn ☠️ are they just more difficult or just cause they're new?
Anyway, I'll improve with playing online cause I'm pretty new to that
6mo ago
We should get on sky sometimes not to actually play but so we can talk in real time
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