The Animator

Community Thread

how good are you at smash bros

vad fhn fh bnbe d

2 older comments  

I specialize in go murder you technique

we don't talk about my sister

I'm in between good and pro because of my super secret tactic

7mo ago

well now I am basically 'npc' but during my prime I was in between 'master' and 'competetive player'

game jounerelietygcw


dang how did you fall so hard?


observe hit run?


never ever fight my lil cousin he is a baby at baby level. he will trash talk you

he's advancing to noob


secret code to decrypt:

dn ltektz zqezoe ol wxzzgf dqliofu dn vqn zg coezgkn


its to hard one hint

This code is a code that MatPat uses to decode codes in games


oh lemme look it rq I was thinking dat one but I was to lazy to check


ahh I forgort which code it was. time to watch his vids

7mo ago

I kirby

7mo ago





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Edited by @PlanetAntMan

it got squished

7mo ago

I would say I'm pretty far into the "good" territory, so kind of a pro but not completely.

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