Community Thread
had a weird dream last night
dont remember the entire plot but i know it involved like a substitute teacher just kinda casting me with an ear infection or something but that's not the important thing. the important thing is that there was like a musical number at the end of my dream and i dont remember any of the music ðŸ˜
anyways, addicted to stardew valley for the second time but this time it will be longer and more profitable because i know how to play the game now and am actually talking to the villagers woohoo
im so bored rn i just want to go home and play stardew valley ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
also maybe looking for people to play games with (but not you, you go away)
hey there, hi, how are you doing today

I had a dream, TW: Mutilation, scary I guess?
So I was on a road trip with some friends and I opened up youtube on my phone and one of the Shorts had a picture of a boy that looked like an uncanny dog made of plaster.
The caption for the video was, "This is what his uncle did to him."
And the boy had no mouth, no real nose, just his eyes, no ears, and a large black nose in the middle. He looked like Bron from Poppy Playtime, and he was just staring at the camera. Then it jumped to a timelapse of his "uncle" broadcasting his mutilation and stitching and sanding down his face.
It was scary, but then they said that they were able to save the boy with two human baby face transplants. Which confused me, since that sounds disturbing, like they have a whole warehouse just full of baby faces ready to be transplanted.

I had a dream that I dreamt of something and then I woke up in that dream and I thought the dream was real till I woke up irl

I bugged out when I woke up

That dream is wild... I had a dream a long time ago where Elon Musk took my class to his secret base and showed futuristic tech that wasn't released to the public. There were hoverboards, hover gloves (??), hovercars, lasers and a hot dog stand. They were in futuristic looking "Insane boxes" without the padding. I looked at my hands and woke up :(

Omg I love stardew valley. One time during the summer I would just play it from when I got up untill I fell asleep. I play less now but I really like it, hopefully soon I'll complete the community center bundles. I just need a single truffle. But its winter. And I got my pig in winter. But anyway, who did/will you marry? And who are you dating? I'm dating all the villagers. Nearly have everyone at max hearts.

Omg I love stardew valley. One time during the summer I would just play it from when I got up untill I fell asleep. I play less now but I really like it, hopefully soon I'll complete the community center bundles. I just need a single truffle. But its winter. And I got my pig in winter. But anyway, who did/will you marry? And who are you dating? I'm dating all the villagers. Nearly have everyone at max hearts.

every. single. one.
didnt see this until just now, my bad!
i pretty much play the game from waking up to falling asleep on weekends and after school with the only break being dinner
imagine not completing the community center (he says as he gives more and more money to the wandering cart (god i love the wandering cart))
i married leah which i have come to learn is a basic choice but my basic choice came about after a bout of personal growth and realization because i originally married penny (yuck) because of reasons (personal) that i have now fully recognized and grown out of and now my priorities in people (fictional) have changed
my therapist (fictional): what are you talking about
also that's a lot of people to have almost max relationship with. i have at least about 5 hearts with most of the villagers (thank you perfect luau soup) and then there's maru who i have like 1 heart with because i never talk to her

Maru was my first partner. was gonna marry her but Alex????..... for "personal reasons" (he's an alpha)
haven't married anyone yet
I was too busy getting to the bottom of the mines with a copper pickaxe to complete the community center
least hearts are dwarf and sandy (I think)

Leah's cool I was obsessed with her for like 3 days before
shes chill

you better max out pam

Yup already have 😸
On of my first since she takes foraged items n stuff
Common mushrooms
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