The Animator

Community Thread

Scratch Competition

9mo ago

The theme is "Keep it Alive"

you can do anything you want.


1. It has to be in scratch

2. You only get 2 days

3. It has to be about the theme.

and also btw guys everyone who joins this can vote, im also gonna join cause I want to, the timer starts.............NOW

(btw dont vote me, your votes on me dont count)

9mo ago

btw check out this cool game I made:

does the theme apply to something specific or is it like how we see it

my butt would wanna draw on here because idk how to use scratch LOL but id try

9mo ago

@BubblesFlew said:

does the theme apply to something specific or is it like how we see it

its how you see it but it has to be about the theme, like for example if you see it about a cat then put it inside a wall with a bunch of lazer guns outside, thats about the theme and its also how you see it

9mo ago


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