The Animator

Community Thread

VAs ɴᴇᴇᴅᴇᴅ!


Its me, Eklyps, the co-pilot of a TMA Scratch account I share with Squid, aka @Smogeyesarecool

We're currently working on a series called Hazy Vision, and as of typing, I had the idea of getting voice actors to join! If you're interested, follow the link below!

Signed, L

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Edited by @HazyVision-P2

UPDATE- Martin and Sasha's roles are taken

i would but no way of contacting and my voice has a crack setting

i would gladly voice act


oh hi noah

idk what role you'd be good playing though

UPDATE- Martin and Sasha's roles are taken

UPDATE 2- J's role is taken

any mysterious character

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