The Animator

Community Thread

rating fruits

1yr ago

banana = 10

tomato = 9

pear = 10

i dunno any more im dum ;c

1yr ago

melon = 11/10

pepper = 15

apple = 10

plantain = 1

grep: 999

apl: 425


tomto: 45

wotrmeln: 998


what did tomato do to you


it to solty and to bitr at te saym tim


tomatos are juicy with a slight accidic flavor and a hint of fruity sourness that complements the savoryness of many things like beef patties

i leik veggies bedder enyweyz :/

Edited by @poopoosmelly

best fruit is hands down those red balls in those fruit cups.

1yr ago

i have ptsd form tomatos and they have horrible texture this is my opinion dont jump me


sadly im pretty sure not even the flavor is real


still better

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