The Animator

Community Thread

i feel so open, like vulnerable and being watched.

1yr ago

Its the schools, and idk how i feel about it. Im happy that they are animating, but I wish they would talk its very ominous.

1yr ago


what if theyre secret agents sent to spy on us????


ive been sayin they are weird like robots with those names and titles dam that school sounds like hell


seems a bit controlling and since they seem to be on this site they seem to teach basic skills to children probally around the age of 6-8 judging on animation and they seem less modernized or expressive as others of their generation who would most likely draw skibidi lanky box and so on. they seem to be the average american type that is steered away from internet activity so thus they do not talk and it seems the waves of animations have ended making me feel this is a grade project for the age group i mentioned.

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