Community Thread
Anyone else has this problem?
The bucket tool doesnt want to bucket tool if you get what i mean. Anyone else experiencing this?
Sometimes the bucket tool is also weird, shouldn't it act in a way that if you drew something with a lower opacity it just mixes around? But staying on topic, I crashed atleast like 3 times because of the bucket, I lost my progress 2 times if I'm right.
Side note:
Sometimes the bucket tool just straight up doesnt work in any way, I found this out with my new trash post I made so- It is really glitchy.
bucket tool works fine for me as long as i use it on its own layer
wait what? My bucket doesn't crash. :/
buckets havin an arc or somthin
my bucket tool is perfectly fine?
I hate the bucket tool. It is the bane of my life.
So it turns out that drawing most shapes on a web page canvas is nice and easy. There is however - no native fill command.
That means you have to do it yourself.
In TA's case, the code literally walks every single pixel surrounding where you clicked and tries to figure out if it should be filled or not. In some circumstances it can get stuck in an infinite loop.
I thought I'd fixed it, but apparently not.
I'm giving the editor some attention in the upcoming weeks and I'll have another look.
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