The Animator

Community Thread

about pronouns

okay so you know how there are these strange pronoun thing a ma-jigs that everyone adds to their profile. many people seem to make the mistake that i'm the type of person who uses that BS...

well... boy do i have a surprise for you...


personally speaking here, i think pronouns have to be one of the dumbest things EVER to exist in the world. ever. i'm not going to say i approve of them, but if people want me to respect the pronouns they want to have, i will. but i'm a FREAKING male and i see point in having to go ahead one day and say "oH yeAH gOTtA HaVE a NEw GeNDeR bEcaUse i'M not HapPY with the gender i was born as".

NO, ALL OF IT'S BS. he/him are my pronouns and i want people to strictly only use those. i am a male, and i cannot change that. there is no point in "supposedly" changing your gender, and there is quite literally, in my opinion, no reason to even have pronouns unless you want to specify your real gender instead of making a fake one because you're not happy with yourself. so just call me by my real pronouns (he/him) and nothing else, and we should be good.

sorry if this whole subject came out of nowhere, just really needed to express my whole thoughts on the matter. i find the concept so stupid and ridiculous overall. feel free to leave your thoughts below, i will respond : )

33 older comments  

1yr ago

@NoahTheInactiveTroll88 said:

@Z4NDAA said:
@NoahTheInactiveTroll88 said:
@Z4NDAA said:
@NoahTheInactiveTroll88 said:
@Z4NDAA said:
@NoahTheInactiveTroll88 said:
personal note: i probably will never post something like this again on this site, since i know this sort of stuff is controversial and can lead to serious, SERIOUS drama. this is probably the only time i'll ever post something like this.
You’re good. Just something I personally care about a lot and I can get a bit heated.. also, im glad you actually consider looking at some of the things I’ve mentioned! Ur pretty cool
though now that i think of it it's kinda hard NOT to be controversial when i'm a guy who literally enjoys harassing people on twitter who have put drama onto themselves and try to blame others. but that's only because i hate twitter and most of the people there are idiots lmao
IKR, Twitter is insane. Like ik it can be hard not to get kinda heated on a subject you’re passionate about, but when it becomes straight up harassment that’s just stupid, and no one is gonna take you seriously.. how hard is it to just try to be civilized? 😭 I can’t stand Twitter.. even TikTok pushes my buttons.
for the record, i only harass people on twitter because people have harassed me, i'm just giving them karma for their actions, to let them know "hey buddy, just know i aint gonna let this slide buster"
Yeah that’s understandable. Even on dumb, rude YouTube replies I have to resist the urge to be as sarcastic as possible :’)
no, if someone tries to directly offend you on any platform or tries to be rude to you; go after them. FIGHT BACK!

I’ll try lol, I just cause I really hate conflict since it makes my head hurt :)

1yr ago

Real so real

Can someone dumb all these words down for me like God that is a lot of words

Like what just happened

"I" am going to jump off a cliff

"You" are getting deported

"She" agrees that kittens should be put up

"He" is wanted for accounts of mur daher and gynocyide

1yr ago

villain arc

1yr ago

pronouns and gender is so much more complicated than that

I mean cis people still change their pronouns as well! someone could be born female, still identify as female but use he/him pronouns instead

we all come from different walks of life and we have to understand that sometimes something may not make sense to us but does to someone else and I mean after all, pronouns are just words and as long as said person isn't harming anyone with it, then why does it matter

1yr ago

**shaky thumbs up**

o-okay @NoahTheInactiveTroll88

@wolfy711 said:

pronouns and gender is so much more complicated than that
I mean cis people still change their pronouns as well! someone could be born female, still identify as female but use he/him pronouns instead
we all come from different walks of life and we have to understand that sometimes something may not make sense to us but does to someone else and I mean after all, pronouns are just words and as long as said person isn't harming anyone with it, then why does it matter

i know that but if you read the previous comments you'd know that this is just my opinion on the generalized concept of pronouns and i'm not going to waste my time looking into the more complicated details. i'm more or less just expressing my opinions on the basics of pronouns.

@Dregoboiiiiiii said:

"I" am going to jump off a cliff
"You" are getting deported
"She" agrees that kittens should be put up
"He" is wanted for accounts of mur daher and gynocyide


@Orca said:

villain arc

i'm going to make you pay taxes

1yr ago

why would you post a /possibly harmful/ opinion on a topic you barely understand though?


again, just to express my thoughts on the general concept of pronouns, nothing more.


there's nothing more to it than that.


i only understand the basic concept of pronouns, the other more historical stuff involved is the stuff that's going to take too much time to learn and it would make this post far more controversial than it needs to be.

that, and it would be an absolute pain having to learn all that stuff and only end up overcriticizing the subject matter later and have people attack me for having my opinion "too offensive and controversial" when in reality it was only meant to discuss my thoughts on only its general concept, and not the more complex criteria of the whole terminology.


also me and @NoahTheInactiveTroll88 are the same person. i own that account, too, alongside this one.

1yr ago

you dont have to understand the history, i mean i dont know the history and ins and outs of it either

im just saying you probably shouldnt say stuff such as "no reason to even have pronouns unless you want to specify your real gender instead of making a fake one" if you have little to no understanding on it

i understand where youre coming from but im just asking you to be more careful with what you say!


yeah, i get that, @Z4NDAA told me this earlier. just stating my thoughts as well.

by the way, we all good? do we have... any sort of beef at all? want to make i'm on good terms with you.

(for context, i have only read the first beginning comment and a bit of zanda's comment after. i would like to add my own opinion. i 100% believe noah (or whatever he wants to be called) is *entitled* to his opinion, although i don't respect it. but he does NOT have to respect mine or others. i dont hate him for it.)

*a bit for zanda*: noah saying pronouns are stupid doesnt mean the english language using reflexive, possessive, plural, etc. pronouns are stupid. he just means pronouns like he/him, she/her, etc. are. using that argument will not change anything nor does it help because its unrelated.


gender and pronouns are two separate things, first, yet they are in a similar category. they are a social construct. as in biological factors have NOTHING to do with language (english in this argument), personal beliefs/experiences/ethics/etc., social groups, etc.

gender is what you socially identify as. such as genderfluid, transsexual, pangender, etc. xenogenders are genders that help *mostly* ND people express themselves more.

sex is your biological sex. these are male, female, intersex, and hermaphrodite.

pronouns are pronouns for yourself that can be adjusted to your comfort. these are usually identified as he/him, she/her, and they/them.

neopronouns are the same for xenogenders but are often used by equally NT and ND people. these are commonly seen as it/its, fae/faer, xi/xir, etc.

gender doesnt not always equal the same "corresponding" pronouns. which is where i think youre upset over for yourself. for example, a female can use he/they pronouns, and still biologically and socially identify as female.

there is no real or fake gender.

if someone doesnt use he/him for you, please do talk to them calmly about it first instead of bottling up and bombing on them. if they still dont, please do stop talking to them because they are clearly not respecting or wanting to understand your boundaries.

*once more, you are entitled to your own opinion.*

1yr ago


Exactly. Gender's just like toilet paper, if ya think about it.

Edited by @Luni_


uh, thanks for the feedback. this is a lot of info to take in, but i find this interesting. can't guarantee that i'll look any of this up, but i can see quite a few of your points as valid and understandable.

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