The Animator

Community Thread


1yr ago

G'morning tomodachi's

I am crying with tears rn

Krillin basically made some weird drawing a couple of days ago and told me to finish it and make it better,

well I did and I uploaded it but sadly its not appering in the gallery, idk if I did smth wrong but heres the drawing: nugget by Krillin

pls show some support to it im very dissapointed

1yr ago

@Krillin said:

G'morning tomodachi's
I am crying with tears rn
Krillin basically made some weird drawing a couple of days ago and told me to finish it and make it better,
well I did and I uploaded it but sadly its not appering in the gallery, idk if I did smth wrong but heres the drawing:
pls show some support to it im very dissapointed

Theres a Private/Gallery option at the top of the Editor. Make sure it's on "Gallery" when you save.

1yr ago

Either that, or it is in the Gallery, but he saved it too many times and it's on another page.


its that (third page)

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