The Animator


Competition finished!

"Nature" competition

2yr ago

Competition time! The theme is "Nature".

As before, copy and paste the animation page URL of any animation you'd like to enter. The animation must belong to you and be in the public gallery. Comics cannot be entered!

Animations with movement are preferred rather than still images.

Thanks to @BubbleTrouble for this week's theme suggestion.

Best of luck!

94 older comments  

Sorry @Dan (admin). He said a bad word to me: "Shut up" is the devil.

you the bad word i am not used negative in the right

i used letter

we are stop

i am not cursing you

I didn't swear.

I don't want to fight with you anymore.

That's it, @GhastSonic.

You offended me... *Crying*

(Grin) X3

2yr ago

@Dan do an ancient or even ¨caveman style¨ for the enxt competition, like anything from the paleolithic, mesolithic or even neolithic and for the ancient one classical or late antiquity.

@Dan cN u make next comp about cats PLSSS IM BEGGING YOU I E NEVER GOTTEN TO PICK


Please don't block me. Because I didn’t swear, I speak quietly and teach @GhastSonic so that I don’t quarrel and swear anymore. Otherwise, my and @GhastSonic parents will punish us for a month.

I am not a bad word. This is the honest truth, or my parents forbid me to swear at home, otherwise my parents will punish me for a bad word.

2yr ago

@cinderstringsxx please...none of us had picked. Like i really hate when people say things like that

@RomaKoltyshev2008 not punish the account will banned

my accounts banned

banned @ghast 2017 - 2022

banned @GhastGC4 2022

banned @GhastAnimates 2022

Edited by @GhastSonic


Leave me alone. You offended me.

*offended and sad*

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008

@Jle3v said:

@cinderstringsxx please...none of us had picked. Like i really hate when people say things like that

Ohh…. I’m really sorry. I take that back.


Do not be sorry. Everything is very good.

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008

pls next

💀 @GhastSonic I didn't know you that many accounts that have been deleted or banned from @Dan. but just a question how did your other accounts got banned

@Caesuplayzz said:

💀 @GhastSonic I didn't know you that many accounts that have been deleted or banned from @Dan. but just a question how did your other accounts got banned

i don't know

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