The Animator

Community Thread

goodmong there, hello

so, genuine question...

why give your characters ages or sexualities? unless it absolutely needs to be there for something, why do they exist? i can see why they're sort of necessary if the character is supposed to be you, but when it's a miscellaneous character, why?

giving your character an age, i can sort of see why you'd do that, but for sexualities, i have absolutely no clue.

so please, why give your characters ages and/or sexualities?

2yr ago

I mean ages ages are pretty important, shows how much life experience they have and explains why they act a certain way

sexualities idk, it's just a bit of fun info about them

2yr ago

yah sexualities are fun to give out. But age, kinna shows whose more dominant and more leader-like in a story- and also who is more troubling in a story. (because most of our characters are 12-15, 20-41, or 3284342737801037817041713-1823684931286168-294186294-182964626122

2yr ago

this is jesse))

2yr ago

idk y but goodmong rlly got me

hello, it's currently the afternoon

I give some of my characters ages because... what wolfy said.


sexualities don't really make sense to me, unless it's supposed to be important. Like, if you make a story about how a lesbian has to deal with homophobes or something. (I feel like you should continue reading to get my point here)

personally, i do not care. I treat my characters as if they are people, so I'm always like "don't know, they like who they like" and leave it at that.

I don't state explicitly what the sexuality of a character is, but instead I leave "hints" and have the others accept it. I have another character who's dating a girl and she's happy with it. I just feel a bit weird just saying it out of the blue or in a way that's out of place.

I just don't really like it when everything seems forced

TL;DR: I don't mind as long as it's not forced or a literal personality trait. It's a bit fun.

i just doodle them

My character is a moose.

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