The Animator

Community Thread

Stop coming back shinobi

You were banned for a reason and still coming back, Imagine if you got kicked out of a store for robbing and you come back the next day and act all good, Kinda like what you are doing bans happen for reasons they don’t happen just so you can come back

3yr ago


3yr ago

didnt he apologize

3yr ago

Sure you apologized but you're still banned.

I thought you got the message, it's what rezzy did when he was in TA around last year. He noticed he did something wrong, apologized and accepted his punishment, then left.

I don't want to sound like a bad person or anything but

i sorta agree

this thread happen a while ago and i'm sure what happened but it seems like shinobi was being a bit rude

I'm still mad about what happened ofc but eh...

3yr ago

I was there at the scene, and so ye, I knew what happened, and it wasn't that pretty =w=


3yr ago

Why shinobi back and how did she apologise?


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