The Animator

Community Thread

sad news about my dog :(

so today...we had to give the puppy up her name was Lady we only had her for 6 days and she was only 8-9 weeks old we had everything a dog needed but....we just didn't have the time I'm to busy with school work my mom is scared of the dog and my dad is a police so he really don't have time to even do nothing I...I need help on how to deal with this please...

4yr ago

umm wot

4yr ago


take time off

4yr ago

school is normally like 6 hours

so you will have time

4yr ago

didnt u guys think about this before getting the dog

You guys should really have thought about that.

Why get a dog if 2 people are busy and 1 person is afraid?

yes, but i thought I would be ready for the respponsibilty but it's just to much and on top of that I have no help my siblings are to little my dad works to much and my mom is scared of it so the only times were I had help was when my dad comes home for only 4 hours on weekdays and on weekends he barley has time off as well

Since you can't have a dog, idk, give it to someone else!

It works out!

You're not worrying about the dog and now someone else has to! Who can actually care for the dog.

we did we gave it to one of my dads friends dads yesterday...I only had two minutes to say goodbye

and on top of that I never had a dog before

4yr ago

living in the country side and having free range dogs is easy cuz u basically just need to feed them and give them love and thats it

i dont have range to do that plus we have a inside dog it's a rottweiler.

poor thing :<

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