The Animator

Community Thread

Test Subject RP (New Idea)

So we are test subjects and greedy lab people want our powers to study them and stuff.

We have shock collars on us so we don't do anything bad to them. But if you have teleporting powers then you can't tp out of the lab.

Yall start because I need to do something real quick.

Ships = Y E S

4yr ago

I don't like having powers in rps tho-

I mean... you don't HAVE to have them if you don't want to

Pls someone do this for me while I'm gone real quick

cookie join da war

4yr ago


Pls. Someone.

i said we should do it


but then when I come in cookie and jesse just RP with eachother and never notice I'm there-

lemme make a new rp. this one has writing

lmao like scp a bit))

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