Community Thread
Ahem *place your speeches here*
32 older comments
Eri-Chan is now my enemy.
Hi Eri-Chan welcome to the animator
ok im gonna do an actual speech
Ye welcome tho
*Ai- wakes up*
Hello, I've been here for about 2 years now, I've made friends and enemies, but that's 'aight, because life ain't life without both good, and bad. I don't view myself highly or anything :v but the only reason I'm different from the rest of the candidates is because I (for the most part) don't act like I'm on LSD or crack all the time.
I will try my best as "president" to endorse no drama, help for all who need it (emotional or physical), art tips, and more
vote for pedro. (does anyone know that refrence)
how the frik is shark wining she didn't even give a speech
Hello, today, I will give out my speech. What do you look for in a president? Well, I am charming, kind, grateful, listening, a confident speaker, and much more you can imagine. I will listen and see into your issues including updates, glitches, improvement, and all about The Animator. Together we can be one, one to be a family, acquaintances, friends, and partners.
Become one with me. Vote for BubblesFlew this election.
- BubblesFlew/Victor/Venus/Leigh/Mars
how is shark wining
well then- and thanks!
NO school free money free foood -Jameson /the obvious choice
Everyone is my foe.
I don't wanna hurt Shark, but I think its cuz she's popular or they actually think she's great.
ya maybe
bro, does she even k n o w theres an election that shes part of going on rn
yep that's the fun Init, tell er
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