Community Thread
Bruh... my hella annoying brother told mr to ask yall what your guys skin color was.
I am not gonna ask cause I ain't stupid. But he is 9 so..... that's pretty stupid.
Am I right?
2 older comments
I wonder why he's asking.
maybe hes curious
im hot pink !
I told him: "What would you say if someone asked you that?"
He says: "I'll just say: My skin color is white!"
-_- He can be an idiot am I right?
That response wouldn't be idiotic.
You're kinda taking it personally.
Well, I'm just saying from experience.
I think it's dumb.
Believe me I asked someone the exact same question before and my mom found out told not me not to say it.
Sure, but that's not what I'm talking about.
If someone asked your brother what his skin color was, the response he said to your question about that is not idiotic, so I'm saying that you probably shouldn't call him an idiot over that.
ngl Taco but you have a point there
And my comment on what his answer was when I asked him the question basically said my skin color.
oh shoooooooot gotta report this for bad words
Sorry if I sound rude or anything.
I've dealt with a lot of fake people today so I'm just wanting to make points or call things out or something.
-_- How is "idiot" a bad word?
Back then I called idiot a bad word, but overtime it's not as bad as other words.
Anyways.... as I said what my brother's answer would be as I asked him
"What would you say if someone asked you that?"
And he said "I will just say that I'm white"
There's your answer if you wanted to know my skin color
I still don't understand how this proves your point that he can be an idiot.
Sure, he's saying your color instead of his, but still.
I don't see anything idiotic about it.
In my opinion it's more idiotic to get offended by it.
It doesn't prove my point.
I was being an idiot an overreacting to his question -v-
Ah ya XD
Lol white
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