The Animator

Community Thread

name three bad thing that has happened in your life that makes you wanna cry-

1. Separation from the my sister at the age of 3

2. thoughts of stabbing myself

3. feeling as if there is change overcoming me (kinda childish right?)

What about you guys. I promise I wont judge you.

u got separated

yeah- its kinda hard being without her. but at least we are finding each other again after 10 years.

1.hearts been broken many times

2.allways assunming the worst

3.... i dunno

thats good

its not mine

its always upsetting when your heart gets broken man. i feel you.

oh 😔

yeah☹️ those wounds dont heal easily

you are my fire

the one desire

believe when i say

i want it that way


1. lol trauma

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