Community Thread
Random rp *Chapter two*
Y'all continue here
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*finally beats the game* *teleports in front of cook* Hi cook. Can u helpme look for a house?
*teleports to my house and opens the door*
! uhhhh.......
I got five bucks.
oh... he left.
*teleports jesse to my house*
You can stay here for a bit I guess
That's it..
*Transforms into a dog and jumps to ring the doorbell for the orphanage*
*teleports to cookies house*
My house isn't and orphanage Rainbow Pug...... it was a trap for children..... I'm a murder....
Whats in this room? * the room with ded bodies*
i cant believe i been living with a murder
(I'ma make another chapter this one is getting to long
Wait! *teleports away and comes back*
Heres my game. man gave it to me.
offyy run i can control my hammer
it might hit you
(Okay y'all go to chapter three
ow ow ow run run run kill kiill
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