The Animator

Community Thread

i am in a bad mood

4yr ago

im in a bad mood cuz my sister is leavin to college

64 older comments  

im a youtuber i have money

Then what's your channel?

What's your yt?

that would be ryan

Your channel is called ryan?

but i'm in work i also work at olive garden

I remember when you said that you were 13.

Can we get back to sobentep?

and no i work at like a no wait that was-

i do trailers

omg why

i just turned 16

Movie trailers?

My question is, why are we not trying to make sobentep happy?

I can't believe everything someone says online and this thread was about sobentep needing support, so I'll just go back to that.

4yr ago

ok yeah lets go back to soben plz

4yr ago

i've been listen

You know what, I'm leaving I have school work

I have school rn, bro.


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