The Animator

Community Thread

Ask the clock and the computer

???: are you sure about this?

???: yes, I am very sure.

???: maybe we should introduce ourselfs.

???: yeah, great idea.

???: I am tony, tony the talking clock.

???: And.... I am..

Tony: why are you nervous?

???: I had never talked to anyone.

Tony: ugh... Just, try your best.

???: *sigh* alright, I am Colin the computery guy. And this is our first vlog, if you want to ask questions, then... let us know! :D

Tony: let’s get to it Colin!

Colin: o-ok...!

Rules: no inappropriate stuff, send fan art if you want, any question and dares are fine, and make sure it’s not confusing (jk on that one), without further ado... LET’S BEGIN WITH THE QUESTIONS!!!

One more thing, YES! THIS IS AN AU! It’s basically a surprise whenever they grow relationship, so far they are friends, and shrignold is worrying about if they are going to act strange at the top of the relationship. That is the moral of the story. Please understand and ask these objects. (Colin and Tony) That is all, byee~ see you there!

4yr ago


Colin, wHy aRE yOu sO sHy

and Tony, hOw aRE yOu sO brAVe


Colin: how did you get here?


Me: nevermind... let’a just continue.

Colin: Ok, let’s reveal this scraped paper, I AM NOT SIERIOUUUUUU-

Tony: No.

Colin: Why Tony? DO YOU HATE ME?!

Tony: No. We’re f-r-i-e-n-d-s, FRIENDS! :D

Colin: Ok, also I found this peice of paper, and I don’t know who it’s from but, shrignold told me that he found this that I shouldn’t open. AND I WANTED TOOOOO!

Tony: Alright then... Put it somewhere the others won’t find- What are you doing?

Colin: *crunch, nibble* eating the paper.

Tony: Colin, you need to know better...

Colin: Why?

Tony: Because it’s disgusting.

Colin:..... ok then.

Tony: good, now please put it somewhere. Please?

Colin: okie dokie! *runs*

Tony: *sighs* That’s my friend...!

Colin: Ok, done!

Tony: good, now all I need to do i-

Colin: One more thing...

Tony: What?

Colin: *Wispering* The questions...!

Tony: oh shoot.

Shrignold: *poof*

Both: ?

Shrignold: How did I get here?


Shrignold: What?

Colin: Let’s... just get on with it...

Ok it’s starting now.

Shrignold: time to do some love memes.

*draws wired stuff*


Colin and Tony: *chat*

Shrignold: *kick down door* Look at this cool meme I made lmao.


Tony: Shrignold?

Shrignold: yeah?

Tony: This is inappropriate. KIDS MIGHT SEE THIS WHAT THE HEEE-

Shrignold: *backwards kick door*

Colin: Uh, ok... Can, we do the questions? I think a person might notice... please?

Tony: Ok.

Colin: *blush* yay

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