The Animator

movie poster by drro234

  • Views: 101
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 1 1 4 3

Comments on "movie poster" by drro234

3yr ago

Did you get this inspiration from me or what? I'm making a remastered of my movie just because I have no story, I might've been the first one to make a short film, anyways, let's hope this movie's release date isn't the same as Karlson's.

3yr ago

@spoinko i didn't even know! i just came here, started drawing. although, your short film thing you stated right now makes me wanna make a trailer. thanks for the idea!

3yr ago

No problem dude.

Karen be like ¨It´s NoT A PoSTeR BeCAusE I CANt PrINt It D:¨

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