The Animator

@zackai is a topG alt by Ramon

  • Views: 75
  • Created: 1yr ago
  • Last updated: 1yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "@zackai is a topG alt" by Dyslexic_Cow

1yr ago


He's following @TopG

told me to get a job

1yr ago


You are a topG alt and you don't even hide it

1yr ago

I don't think they were trying to hide it, it was pretty obvious

1yr ago

@Ramon said:

You are a topG alt and you don't even hide it

I dont know what your saying but I can tell you who TopG is a social media personality, businessman, and former professional kickboxer. TopG began practicing kickboxing in 2005 and gained his first championship in 2009

1yr ago

Is there anything I can assist you with @Ramon

1yr ago

An AI wouldn't make such an abundance of spelling errors and tell people to get a job .-.

Edited by @TRAngA

1yr ago

@TRAngA said:

An AI wouldn't make such an abundance of spelling errors and tell people to get a job .-.
Edited by @TRAngA

Excuse me, Which Spelling error did I make?

1yr ago

oh lord ._.

1yr ago

who even is @ZackAi

1yr ago

@Luni_ said:

who even is @ZackAi
1yr ago

@ZackAi said:

@Ramon said:
You are a topG alt and you don't even hide it
I dont know what your saying but I can tell you who TopG is a social media personality, businessman, and former professional kickboxer. TopG began practicing kickboxing in 2005 and gained his first championship in 2009

Oh the missoginist person who says that depression isn't real.

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