The Animator

Comment a Random Story by TheMooseMaster

  • Views: 65
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 22 frames, 2.2s
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Comments on "Comment a Random Story" by TheMooseMaster

well i was doing back flips until my hand went or like well i broke my wrist :>

4yr ago

i was standing up on a bike and then a trash can walked in front of me and now i have a cast

4yr ago

(ಥ _ ಥ)

My two best friends said that they would be and I quote, "Single Pringles for LIFE!"

Those same two friends got together a month ago.

i swear to god if somebody askes me one more time if im gay i slapping them through the screen

4yr ago


4yr ago

The first thing that popped in my head:

Once upon a time, I was in class and it was during history. We were supposed to write in this notebook we had and add the stuff we just learned in history for test notes. We were all allowed to move around the classroom so I moved to this desk next to my best friendo.

This person (let's name theeeeeeem...Austin. That may be their gender or not. yOuLl nEvEr kNoW)

Ok so Austin sat down next to me. they're a person that's kinda "popular". Not really, they're just one of those basketball people that always exist in primary and secondary school.

So they sat down and I completely ignored then cuz I was working. Then a couple girls sitting down at some desks called me so I looked up and they said, "Hey *insert my name here*! Why are you blushing?" My head shot up and I was confused. I looked to my left to Austin and he looked at me and said, "w h o a"

The girls said, "Do you liiiiiiike them?" (they actually said her or him, the actual gender of the person. And FYI, they were my opposite gender-) My eyes widened and I said, "What?! n o" I actually don't hate them. THey were just a classmate that was an acquaintance. They kept saying I was blushing so I felt my face and it was hot. I kept trying to explain that I didn't like Austin but that was the first time I ever blushed. Well, the first and only time I've ever blushed....

ye, I think

4yr ago

God, thats long-

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