im not out yet I got one more animation coming to by

- Views: 158
- Created: 5yr ago
- Last updated: 5yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "im not out yet I got one more animation coming to" by cameronmaher
tommrow its gonna be the best animation I ever made with real fighting scenes not talking fighting scenes coming soon at 3:00 im animating it
1 older comment
sama post his animation late so let me have a secound chance to

Oh, you want a challenge now >:3?
bet if my animation is better than your first one I take your place and I got 2 days to Finnish the animation

Actually, I've got an animation too, and if mine is better than yours, you go out, or, if you want, if PIXEL says so, we can be saved, for the semi finals >:3!
we both got 2 days to Finnish the animation

I'll upload it in 2 days then, or after you >:3!
Cameron is challenging Alan!!

minecraft pixel you are cr_p
is it because Cameron "Lost"?
thats why you hate him?
Well, technically not lost because he has a second chance..
but still, is that why?

no it is because some times when i post minecraft pixel rost me rosting means to insult some one and it makes me so fu_cking mad
ya know this can affect your place in the tourney right? :|

but i will be leaving on friday soo the tourny will still be there so minecraft pixel i disqualife my self and please hide me comment

do not disqualifie me

Cameron has not shown his animation yet..
Will Cameron admit defeat?
Or will Cameron make a miracle and defeat Alan..?
Stay tuned!

Isn't he already out, since he was late? He said 2 days, and it's been about 5 days :/.
I will not be defeated
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