The Animator

Story time in the comments by queen_Alexis

  • Views: 37
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "Story time in the comments" by Imtobeiskingsister2Again

I was in pre-k we were in the gym in school and I’m not going to say the name I’m going to mak up a name So it’s a boy his name is Kitty so we were just playing you know what pre-k girls and boys play we’re playing tag so I went into the lost and found right he is playing because I had a felony what’s going on and he literally choked me so I said and then I want to go to my teacher and I can’t see the name so I can make a new key key in cuckoo and then she said did you at least did he at least say sorry and I said no and he’s still on so she told me to tell him sorry and he said sorry to say sorry he said sorry and then Kiki because he had to go to the principals office because you can’t talk to someone at school because that’s one against the law that’s not the rules it says keep your hands to yourself I almost died but good thing I made it so my friends I didn’t and I actually my friends and they put him in timeout because that’s not what you’re supposed to do with Coach Jim what’s your name is next not what I’m saying and then coach Jim came and Coach Jim said don’t you ever choke someone that is so bad he took them to up to the out of Time out and he said am I free and then he said no you’re going to timeout kitty and he said amen and then his brother named kitty cool kitty who had to go over there because he was fighting my brother I came home crying because my neck was hurting my brother came home mad because he got nose blood up on on his nose and then we both were at I was cryingI’m off the bus and then mom said what happened until I told her what happened and she said I have to go I will have to send your dad to the school but I said why because there’s a little boy OK kindergarten and it was actually were in pre-KYeah she was like why are you messing with the pre-K girl and I want to I don’t know and then and then come up to the school he was acting all scared he was like I didn’t do it to her I did it to someone else and he said I don’t care you’re not s


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